Does Hardwood Scratch Too Easily?

The truth is every flooring type will show wear over time. Wood-type products scratch, vinyl flooring planks warp and swell, tile chips, and concrete cracks. There are pros and cons to each type of flooring, including what kinds of damage they are most susceptible to.

Wood Flooring Is Actually Repairable

When tile chips and concrete cracks, you have two choices. Live with it or replace it entirely. With wood, minor damage like scratches can almost always be repaired. That’s because wood flooring isn’t just wood. It’s covered in a finishing coat. Often the scratches are contained to the finishing coat. A simple maintenance coat will remove those scratches entirely. Deeper scratches may require a full refinishing, which is still cheaper than replacing sections of damaged flooring.

Depending On Wood Type

If you choose the cheapest hardwoods on the market, they tend to be soft woods like pine. These will scratch more easily than harder woods will. Moving up to a midrange wood like oak, teak, or cherry will reduce your risk of scratches. And engineered hardwoods take durability to a whole new level.

We can help you with a wood scratch questions you might have

Simmons Floor Covering
400 N. Loop 288 Suite 104
Denton, TX 76209